Isabelle Aubertin-Ribera, Admitting Agent to welcome and integrate international students, Collège communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick (Bathurst)
Originally from France, Isabelle Aubertin settled in New Brunswick in July 2014 with her husband and three daughters. She has been a Canadian citizen since 2018. In France, she worked mainly in the field of transport and has training as a freight transport operating agent (dispatch). She has also taken various training courses in Canada such as immigrant mental health, intercultural relations and Safe TALK. Mrs. Aubertin has been working at the CCNB since 2018 as a front-line worker and has acquired extensive experience in the field of welcoming and supervising international students at the New Brunswick Community College, Bathurst campus. She has been involved at the community level as a volunteer and member of the Board of the Multicultural Association Chaleur for three years and as a professional network connector for ONB Connects program since 2019. Additionally, she volunteers for Operation Red Nose.